Discover our RFID Tracking Technology

RFID technology simplifies tracking linens through all usage and maintenance stages, enabling efficient management, cost savings, and consistent availability of clean linens.


RFID technology (Radio Frequency Identification) is increasingly used in the hotel industry to optimize the management and tracking of linens and uniforms. With RFID, hotels can gain real-time insight into the location and status of each textile item. This leads not only to more efficient use of resources but also to cost savings and loss prevention.

  • Real-time tracking van linnengoed en uniformen
  • Verhoogde efficiëntie en lagere operationele kosten
  • Vermindering van textielverlies en diefstal
  • Betere voorraadbeheer en langere levensduur van textiel

Corporate Clothing

For corporate clothing suppliers, RFID technology provides a smart way to efficiently manage and track garments at every step of the process. RFID chips embedded in clothing allow for real-time insight into the location, usage status, and maintenance needs of each garment. This results in improved inventory management, more accurate reporting, and cost savings, while customer satisfaction increases due to reliable delivery and timely maintenance.

  • Nauwkeurig inzicht in voorraad- en gebruiksstatus
  • Optimalisatie van onderhoudsprocessen voor langere levensduur
  • Minder kledingverlies en eenvoudigere opvolging van bestellingen
  • Kostenreductie door efficiënter beheer en minder verspilling

Linen Management/Rental

RFID technology plays a crucial role in managing and renting linens, with each item tagged with an RFID chip that can be easily tracked through all stages of use and maintenance. This allows linen rental companies to maintain real-time control over inventory levels, usage frequency, and wear. Thanks to RFID, management becomes more efficient, costs decrease, and customers can rely on a constant supply of clean, well-maintained linens.

  • Real-time inzicht in linnenvoorraad en gebruiksstatus
  • Verlaging van operationele kosten door efficiënter linnenbeheer
  • Verliesreductie en nauwkeuriger voorraadbeheer
  • Optimalisatie van reinigingscycli voor een langere levensduur